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Great news, great views:
W&H lanza su gama de radiología
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Oferta #17 Set Motor Eléctrico LED + GRATIS 2o Contra-ángulo Synea power Edition
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Thed cumple todos sus deseos
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¿Problemas al cortar el óxido de circonio?
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Oferta #16 Contra-ángulo de profilaxis LatchShort + GRATIS 100 copas suaves
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Oferta #15 Contra-ángulo multiplicador 1:5 y -50% DESCUENTO 2o Contra-ángulo
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Oferta #14 Set Motor Eléctrico + GRATIS contra-ángulo de profilaxis
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Oferta #12 Assistina One con Quick Connect + GRATIS adaptadores Borden y RotoQuick
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Oferta #11 Implantmed Plus -50% en uno contra-ángulo LED autogenerado
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Oferta #05 Implantmed Classic + GRATIS contra-ángulo WI-75 E/KM 20:1
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Oferta #02 Implantmed Classic -50% descuento en uno contra-ángulo LED autogenerado
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Sorprendentemente espacioso:
El nuevo esterilizador Lara XXL
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«Cuando fundamos la empresa, empezamos directamente con tres torres quirúrgicas»
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W&H presenta más de 10 productos nuevos en la IDS 2025
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Adjunctive therapies in non-surgical periodontal treatment I
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Personalized prevention – the implications of general health factors
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Celebrating 25 years of innovation: a journey with Osstell
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Case presentation: Complex Dental Prosthesis Management
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The (orally) healthy patient with implants
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Innovation and problem-solving with W&H's Synea Power Edition
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Lisa Mini de W&H: Aporta rapidez a la consulta dental
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Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!
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Snus causes mucosal lesions & gingival recession
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Stress + poor sleep = even more periodontitis …?
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The healthy patient with pre-existing periodontal disease & peri-implantitis
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The Diabetic Patient with Pre-Existing Periodontitis
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Is one visit to the dentist per year enough if you have implants?
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What does interdental cleaning achieve in the long term?
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Cuidados postoperatorios individuales para la periodontitis: informe de usuario
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Prognosis for teeth with through-and-through furcations
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W&H and Osstell at the ITI World Symposium in Singapore
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A pragmatic approach to manage
peri-implant biological complications
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Control óptimo de los procesos con eLog y la nueva prueba Helix de W&H
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W&H is implementing a comprehensive energy-saving package
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Periodontal treatment improves more than just the periodontium in diabetics
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Smoking and increased probing depths are early warning signs
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Máxima lubricación con el mínimo consumo
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Sumérjase en el mundo de los productos BePro
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Unhealthy lifestyle = worse treatment outcomes?
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Best Practice Reprocessing & Infection Control
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El nuevo Synea Power Edition: para procesar los materiales más duros
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Successful treatment – does it make a difference? Part 2
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Siete preguntas con la Dra. Adriana Locher
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Patient- and implant-related factors – what affects the outcome of treatment?
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Social participation in society even without teeth?
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Implants – Also a success story from a patient perspective?
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Pulido rotativo profesional – con los instrumentos profilácticos de W&H
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Non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment – gold standard ...?
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Peri-implant mucositis – are chemical adjunctive therapies effective?
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Non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment – chemical cleaning ...?
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Peri-implant mucositis – are chemical adjunctive therapies effective? Part 2!
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W&H: Higiene y seguridad sin concesiones
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BePro – Protección profesional
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Los más altos estándares en higiene
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Punta de W&H 1AP y 2API. Eliminación de concreciones en la región subgingival
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Puntas de W&H 4P, 5PI y 5P. Eliminación de concreciones en la región subgingival
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Puntas de periodontología 3Pl y 3Pr. Tratamiento periodontal complementario
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Electric interdental cleaning – a good alternative …?
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Hacemos el procesamiento fácil
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Air polishing as an adjunct in non-surgical periodontal treatment …?
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Oral hygiene helps even in difficult situations!
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Periodontitis & bowel disease – Is there a link?
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What is the situation with e-cigarettes and periodontal health?
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W&H recibe el Premio a la Gestión Medioambiental 2022 del BMK
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Lifelong supportive periodontitis treatment? Absolutely!
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The long-lasting effects of smoking on our implants …
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Emdogain – can it help even without surgery …?
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Tooth loss rate in Europe – what is the trend?
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Does periodontitis increase the risk of gestational diabetes
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Periodontitis doesn’t normally come alone!
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Sensitive tooth cervix following periodontal therapy...
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When does it make sense to splint teeth?
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Xceed Limits con Lara XL
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Successful W&H Innovation Day in Vietnam
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Interdental cleaning – by itself or with an “extra” component?
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Can too much coffee lead to tooth loss …?
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Assistina 301: La número 1 durante 30 años
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Ultrasound-activated mechanical biofilm management
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Lessons from the pandemic: continuity in treatment is important!
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Impresiones de América Latina: 10 preguntas a la Dra. Lina María Muñoz Ramírez
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Impresiones de América Latina: 10 preguntas al Dr. Jairo Vargas-Martínez
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Impresiones de América Latina: 10 preguntas al Prof. Dr. Abelardo Báez Rosales
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Impressões da América Latina: 10 perguntas ao Dr. Oswaldo Scopin
(versão em Português)
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Periodontal treatment in patients with diabetes – what do you need to know?
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The importance of an up-to-date medical history
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Air-polishing devices in periodontal treatment
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Orthodontic treatment of periodontitis patients – is such a thing possible ...?
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Is a manual or an electric toothbrush better during orthodontic treatment?
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Do air-polishing devices have any contraindications?
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Adjunctive therapies in non-surgical periodontal treatment II
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Protection from aerosols – S1 guideline of the German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillary Medicine
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Do lifestyle changes make for a healthier periodontium?
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Optimal periodontal conditions for successful implantation
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Piezo surgery – a broad spectrum of applications in oral surgery
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¿Un riesgo para el paciente y el equipo dental?
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Internal sinus lift – patient-friendly with piezo surgery
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Informe de usuario - Proxeo Twist Cordless: Para una profilaxis agradable
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To the powder, get set, go – a new prophylaxis trio
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The pre-treatment phase and the importance of a stable periodontal situation
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10 La clave para una exitosa colocación de implantes inmediatos en la zona ...
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La diferencia entre la colocación de implantes en sitios curados vs. sitios ...
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La herramienta para una profilaxis de éxito que evite que la periimplantitis gane la batalla
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Comparativa de mediciones de torque y el resultado del manejo en la práctica clínica de varios motores de cirugía.
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Requisitos especiales que deben cumplir los contra-ángulos y las piezas de mano de cirugía oral
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