Innovation is in our DNA

どのようにして歯科業界における新たな基準を確立するのか? 企業内で革新の文化をどのように育むのか? そして、時代の先を行くためには何が必要なのか? Dipl. Ing. Peter Malata 氏が、この独占インタビューで自身の見解を語ります。IDS 2025 を目前に控え、W&H の最新の展開を詳しく見ていきます。 1996 年以来、Peter Malata 氏は医療技術企業 W&H を率い、現在では約 1,300 名の従業員、3 つの生産拠点、18 の販売子会社を有し、世界 130 か国以上へ製品を輸出しています。
Having trouble cutting Zirconia?

The concept of using rotary instruments to cut hard materials dates back at least 6,000 years. Ancient humans were using hand-held lithic burs to cut through shells, bones and teeth employing a method involving low-speed rotation with high torque. Modern dental handpieces have significantly advanced this principle, enabling precise cuts into much harder materials such as dental ceramics.
“When we founded our new company, we started directly with three surgical towers”

The oral and maxillofacial surgery referral practice FINE MKG in Heiligenhaus (City in North Rhine-Westphalia) was opened in August 2023. Two vacant office spaces formed the spatial basis. Spacious and light-flooded treatment rooms with an operating area have been created on a total of 700 square meters – and W&H products can be found in every room. And for good reasons.