W&H at the Europerio9
NIWOP for increased implant success
First published in pip - Practical Implantology and Implant Prosthetics, 4 | 2018
EuroPerio is the world’s largest scientific congress focusing on the specialist fields of periodontology and implantology. The latest of these triennial meetings, EuroPerio9, took place in Amsterdam from 20 to 23 June 2018 and brought together more than 10,000 experts. With “No Implantology without Periodontology” short “NIWOP”, W&H presented a systematic and evidence-based workflow for a sound and healthy tissue situation around the implant. The NIWOP workflow, introduced as part of the congress, was not only topic at the W&H booth, but as well at the lecture of Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann.
The 9th staging of the EuroPerio congress provided a platform for the exchange of periodontology experts from all around the world. Of particular interest was the NIWOP workflow presentation by W&H. Periodontal pretreatment, implantation and periodontal follow-up care – NIWOP focuses on the importance of periodontology for a long-term success of the implant.
Lecture from expert to expert
There was a big interest in NIWOP. On the third day of the EuroPerio9 W&H invited to join the lecture of Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann on "No Implantology without Periodontology". "Looking at the number of implants already placed and the number of implants planned, it is clear that NIWOP is a very important topic worldwide. The proportion of patients with periodontal diseases is also steadily rising. It is important to recognize the problem and to act accordingly", says Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean, M.Sc., President of the EFP in his introduction of the lecture and emphasizes the expertise and know-how of the lecturer Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann. Dr. Ackermann emphasized the increasing prevalence of periodontal diseases and their influence on implant success. Based on two specific case studies, he gave an insight into adequate therapeutic concepts. The conclusion: Implantation in patients with a history of periodontitis is a risk, but a systematic approach such as NIWOP, has a high probability for success.
NIWOP with W&H products
The NIWOP workflow was also presented at the W&H booth. Product managers and application specialists provided information about NIWOP and the related W&H products: Piezo Scalers, supplying patients with pleasantly warm fluid minimizing the irritation of sensitive teeth. A comprehensive range of scaler tips developed in cooperation with end users allowing protective aftercare of crown-bearing implants. Or the new Implantmed surgical device with the Osstell ISQ module for measuring osseointegration are just some highlights shown there. With these and many other W&H products, treatment according to the NIWOP workflow can be significantly supported. “We are pleased about the consistently positive response from EuroPerio9 visitors. The NIWOP workflow is based on independent, evidence-based studies. NIWOP is not our invention, but the quintessence of numerous publications. It is of great concern to W&H giving dentists simple and practicable solutions with added value. We succeeded in this with the tangible NIWOP workflow and our innovative products. In addition, W&H is the only manufacturer that can provide products for the entire NIWOP workflow, including implant stability measurement”, says Bernhard Eder, W&H product manager for Prophylaxis & Periodontology.
For more NIWOP information, visit: niwop.wh.com
