W&H Product Registration

W&H Product Registration

Thank you for choosing a W&H product.

Register online quickly and easily and benefit from special services and offers.

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Please log in before starting product registration.

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Why should I register my product?

  • Exclusive content

    Exclusive content

    Take advantage of exclusive videos, reports and studies for registered users:

    • international experts

    • dental topics

    • by professionals for professionals

  • Immediate product information

    Instant product information

    Receive information on product-based safety topics when required in accordance with statutory disclosure requirements.

How does registration work?

Step 1

Log in or register!

Already registered?
If you already have an account for wh.com, simply log in and you can start your product registration.

Don’t have an account yet? Then register now!
If you still don’t have an account, you can create one in three easy steps during registration. It doesn’t take long at all.

After sending the registration form, check your inbox for the email to activate your registration. You can register here!
Step 2
Find the serial number and
REF number

What do I need for registration?

You only need the serial number and the REF number of your product.

Where can I find the serial number and REF number on the devices?

Where can I find the serial number and REF number for instruments?
Step 3
Register product(s)

Register products

You can register all of your products that have a serial number and REF number and if required, add the installation date and the consultant’s name.

Your data will, of course, be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party.

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