W&H, the brand
doctors trust in.
Dental professionals share their experience with W&H products in the daily practice.
Dr. Stavros Pelekanos
Piezomed, Implantmed, surgical instruments
“I have been using the Piezomed since the beginning of the year 2015 and I am really impressed of the strength and the capacity of this device. Very user-friendly with automatic tip detection makes performing of different surgical procedures really save and fast. I have used it for bone harvesting, osseous resective surgery, surgical extraction of roots preserving the buccal bone plate, and for sinus elevation. These and more other indications for use are making Piezomed a tool for my daily practice.”
"The powerful motor, optimum overview and simple operation of the menu in combination with innovative instruments makes IMPLANTMED your best friend in placing implants."
Romana Srimpf dr.dent.med
Synea Vision
"Synea Vision handpieces provides optimal lightning of oral cavity. Different sizes of turbine head, ergonomic design and perfect cooling allows us top quality work with patients."
Dr. Ljubo Marion
"Turbines and contra-angles W&H are used in our Center for fixed prosthetics in dental University Ljubljana since 1988. It has been used by students, specialists with great success. For fixed prosthetics there are few parameters which are very important for user and W&H provides them: long lasting quality, ergonomics, smooth run, good cooling and lightning of the working surface. With each new generation of W&H contra-angles we are getting more and more satisfied."
Dr. Dime Sapundziev
Implantmed, surgical instruments
"New W&H surgical unit with its clear design and excellent performance characteristics is unit that one must have in its oral surgery office.
The latest innovation from W&H team, WI-FI pedal puts this unit on the top among the surgical units available on the market.
The absence of cable gives the opportunity to place it on the most comfortable place for the surgeon without interference with other cables and units around the dental chair. The most innovative thing is the opportunity to use one pedal for several units simultaneously. This gives the surgeon freedom in the operating room, space and more time to concentrate on the patient and operative technique.
New hand pieces with excellent and prolonged illumination that last after the power is released gives clear and direct view of the operative field.
Integrated ISQ measurement unit facilitates its use and helps surgeon making decisions between different loading protocols. Also optimizes storage and cuts intraoperative time by using separate unite.
This new device with its simplicity, ergonomic design and easy to use characteristics and accessories makes it oral surgeon’s best friend in most demanding clinical situations."
Dr. Istvan Urban
“Excellent products you recognize immediately even on first use. PIEZOMED is the first piezo surgery unit I like. utomatic tip detection makes the use really simple, I did not have to learn difficult programing. I have used it for multiple indications such as sinus elevation, bone harvesting, crown lengthening, periodontal osseous surgery, surgical extraction of teeth. There are limitless options of use.”
Dragana Gabrić, Dr. Med. Dent.
"I use the surgical device Piezomed from W&H for atraumatic tooth extractions, mostly in combination with tooth socket preservation procedure as a preparation for future implant site. Additionally I use it for autologous bone grafts preparation and lateral window technique for maxillary sinus floor elevation. An innovative range of intelligently designed working tips offers the perfect instrument for every treatment. Compared to the classical techniques the specially developed design of the teeth of the bone saws allows most accurate incisions. The most important advantages of piezotechnology in dentistry I see, is in the minimally invasiveness in the field of minor surgical procedures and the postoperative comfort of the patients."
Dr. Dalibor Zovko
"With Class B Automatic Cycles W&H is setting new sterilizer standards in modern dentistry. Above all, Lisa is so quiet and we trust her!”
Dr. Amer Huskanovic
Synea Fusion
"I am using W&H contra-angles in my dental practice since many years. I am very satisfied with them. Personally I prefer Synea Fusion line."
Dr. Valandina Gh. Saddic, MDS
Synea Fusion
"When I start my tooth preparation for ceramics I need to have best visibility, highest power and easy controllable instrument That’s the reason why I use Synea Fusion."
Dr. Damir Jelusic
Synea Vision
"In dental policlinic Dr.Jelusic we are using W&H instruments already for 15 years. Design, ergonomics, reliability and after sales service are always outstanding at W&H. New Synea Vision line is a further milestone in dentistry as we have optimal light in the cavity and a high comfort during treatments."
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Todorovic
Restoration & Prosthetics
"Strong, balanced, durable, lightweight and quiet. I can highly recommend W&H instruments!"
Dr. Michalis Zenonos
Synea Vision
"For the last 15 years I have been working with different type of handpieces. Trying the Synea Vision I was immediately captured by the ergonomics that it offers, the shadow free light in the mouth as well as the small head and very smooth running."
Panos Bazos DDS, MClinDent, MOrth RCS Edin.
Synea Vision
“Synea Vision instruments captured me from the beginning by its power, the shadow free light and the ergonomics. The small head and the illumination ensures an optimal view of the oral cavity.”
Dr. Sasa Dabic
"My daily oral-surgical day became unimaginable without the use of Piezomed. You don’t need much to love it and then you realize that you can not work without it anymore. True love is nevertheless mutual."
Dr. Matija Gorjanc
"What does a patient expect from a surgeon? Completeness, security, reliability. Can a surgeon expect less from his tool? Implantmed SI-1023 is already the fourth member of the W&H family which we allow into our hands and in the bone of our patients. Since ever we know its power, torque and perfect control. These are added valuee. Operation is quiet, wireless food control is like air: omnipresent but invisible. The various options goes beyond the desire of a surgeon. And if we want to take full control? Implantmed agrees. And if there ever might be a problem after a long working day - the W&H team is immediately there with its professional attitude and competence. The success story continues."
Dr. Andrej Božić
"Our clinic ""Dentum"" is trying daily to get closer to the ideal in modern dental medicine. Regarding sterilization there is no compromise.
Top technology, modern and easy interface and ergonomic design are the criteria why we decided for W&H LISA sterilizer.
W&H proved to be an exceptionally high quality and reliable partner whose most advanced technology makes every day work easier."
Dr. Grit Paradeiser
Synea Vision
"It not only ensures an optimal view of the oral cavity, but it also illuminates the cavity. It a “peak” in restorative dentistry and prosthetics."
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Bratu
"I have seen W&H products as a child, watching my father using them in his clinic in the 1980's. He was a big fan of W&H and so am I today.
I am using Implantmed, Piezomed and all the handpieces for more than 15 years and all I can say is they are almost indestructible.
Beside of this, they are easy to maintain, to clean and ergonomically designed. A clinician using W&H products can be sure that he has the best tools for oral surgey.
Implantmed SI-923 is a simple, easy to control device that allows the clinician a precise placement of implants in every type of bone."
MUDr. Pavel Lukl
"In our clinic with 6 offices every working day is challenging. That's why we always want devices with innovative features which make our job easier. Devices which are also reliable and easy to operate - like Lisa sterilizer. Our staff really appreciates the shorter B-cycle time and excellent possibility to sterilize unpouched instruments in only 13 minutes."
Dr. Pavel Vlnař
"Performance and precision are fundamental parameters for me when working with piezo technology. Especially in the indication corticotomy Piezomed is an indispensable tool that guarantees safe and precise preparation of the alveolar bone."
Šime Živković, Dr. Med. Dent.
"Care for the patients is in on the first place in our office. Therefore there is no compromise in sterilization. Sterilizers Lina and Lisa make it easy for us to work day-by day with the highest standards."
Dr. Ivan Martin
Proxeo Ultra
"I can not imagine endo treatment without piezo device. PROXEO ULTRA is real piezo for me.
The handpiece fits well in my hand and thanks the different threads it offers the wide range of tips also from the other producers."
Dr. Radmila Ninković
Synea Fusion
"I have been working with W&H handpieces for 10 years and I am very pleased with their quality which allows me to work safely."