Primære fokus 5
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Having trouble cutting Zirconia?
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Overcoming challenges in processing zirconia and advanced ceramic materials
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Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!
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Periodontitis doesn’t normally come alone!
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Prognosis for teeth with through-and-through furcations
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Sensitive tooth cervix following periodontal therapy...
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Case presentation: Complex Dental Prosthesis Management
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Personalised Prophylaxis for 74-Year-Old Implant Patient with Hypertension: Prevention According to the IPC Model
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The (orally) healthy patient with implants
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Osseodensification versus piezoelectric surgery for implant site preparation
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The healthy patient with pre-existing periodontal disease & peri-implantitis
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Innovation and problem-solving with W&H's Synea Power Edition
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Is one visit to the dentist per year enough if you have implants?
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What does interdental cleaning achieve in the long term?
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Individual Periodontitis Aftercare: A User Report
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A pragmatic approach to manage
peri-implant biological complications
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Periodontal treatment improves more than just the periodontium in diabetics
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Successful treatment – does it make a difference? Part 2
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Patient- and implant-related factors – what affects the outcome of treatment?
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Implants – Also a success story from a patient perspective?
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Non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment – gold standard ...?
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Non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment – chemical cleaning ...?
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Peri-implant mucositis – are chemical adjunctive therapies effective? Part 2!
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The pre-treatment phase and the importance of a stable periodontal situation
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To the powder, get set, go – a new prophylaxis trio
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