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Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!

PD Dr. Kristina Bertl, PhD MSc MBA

Successfully treating gingivitis unquestionably represents the best way to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. But how important is patient compliance in this, and does successfully treat gingivitis bring further positive effects?

Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!
Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!

This question was investigated by a group of Italian researchers who recently published an interesting randomized controlled clinical study on this topic (Peric et al. 2022). A total of 140 patients with generalized gingivitis were recruited, treated and monitored over the course of a month. The participants were divided into the following two groups:

  • Control group: Participants of the control group were given supragingival cleaning and polishing, but no specific instructions for home oral hygiene.
  • Test group: Participants in the test group were also given supragingival cleaning and polishing, as well as intensive training and instruction in proper home oral hygiene. This included an electric toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss, and the instructions were repeated on a weekly basis.

Both at the beginning and the end of the study, plaque and bleeding indices were determined, the quality of life with regard to oral health recorded, and a blood sample taken to determine systemic inflammatory markers. After a month, the significant differences between the control and test group could be seen:

  • While the gingivitis had fully healed in 89% of the patients in the test group, this was only the case in 7% of the patients in the control group.
  • As well as the significant improvement in the clinical parameters (plaque and bleeding values), participants in the test group also showed a significant reduction in the systemic inflammatory parameters and a significant improvement in quality of life relating to oral health.

In this respect, we can draw a few important conclusions for our everyday clinical practice from this study: 1) Gingivitis treatment must always be accompanied by detailed and intensive training in optimal home oral hygiene; 2) gingivitis treatment is efficient and represents the best option for preventing the occurrence of periodontitis; and 3) efficient treatment of gingivitis has a systemic effect (reduction of inflammatory parameters) and also increases our patients’ quality of life!


  1. Peric, M., Marhl, U., Gennai, S., Marruganti, C., & Graziani, F. (2022). Treatment of gingivitis is associated with reduction of systemic inflammation and improvement of oral health-related quality of life: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 49(9), 899–910.
