Osstell Beacon

Implant stability measurement

The Osstell Beacon helps you to objectively determine implant stability and measure the degree of osseointegration without jeopardising the healing process. It is a fast and non-invasive diagnosis instrument that provides precise information required for making well-informed decisions. The compact diagnosis instrument is wireless, giving you greater freedom of movement in your dental practice.

  • Click on the Icon to place the Osstel Beacon virtually in your practice and see for yourself how well it fits.
    Drag the mouse in any direction to view the product from all sides.
    Open the website with your mobile phone and experience the Osstel Beacon in your practice!

    Show in room (AR)

    Opt for even better treatment

    The Osstell Beacon, in combination with OsstellConnect, provides you with a powerful solution to assess implant osseointegration efficiently. Within a matter of seconds, the Osstell Beacon shows you when an implant is osseointegrated and can be loaded. This wireless technology gives you greater freedom of movement in your dental practice. The data can be safely stored and compared on the OsstellConnect platform. Through OsstellConnect you can seamlessly manage and track your implant cases, ensuring optimal patient care and treatment outcomes.

    All advantages at a glance:

    • Evaluate implant stability and monitor osseointegration
    • Extract data, share files, analyze results, and facilitate patient communication through the OsstellConnect Portal
    • Shorter treatment times
    • Greater predictability of treatment of patients with risk factors

    You have the know-how

    The demand for shorter treatment times and a growing number of patients with risk factors are posing ever greater challenges for dentists and the available technology. There is a growing need for evaluation of implant stability and osseointegration, which cannot be achieved using conventional methods such as torque and percussion tests. This calls for a more advanced diagnosis tool.

    We give you the know-when

    Correct determination of implant stability and osseointegration is of fundamental importance to the success of any treatment. Osstell helps you to quickly and easily determine which implants can be treated and which require additional healing time.
    This is the only objective quality assurance method that gives you ample warning if osseointegration has not progressed as expected, giving you and your patient greater certainty.

    • Monitoring osseointegration

      Results that are easy to interpret

      Because the Osstell Beacon has a wireless connection, you can view the results of each implant measurement on the OsstellConnect platform using your PC, tablet or smartphone.
      You can easily assess implant stability by comparing the baseline value determined upon insertion of the implant with the value prior to final restoration.

      The ISQ* values are shown on a colour wheel, which provides information on the degree of osseointegration:
      - Red circle: low stability, ISQ < 60
      - Yellow circle: medium stability
      - Green circle: high stability, ISQ ≥ 70

      * ISQ: Implant Stability Quotient

    • Collaboration and traceability

      Plan with confidence using OsstellConnect

      Make implant decisions easier with OsstellConnect! This free platform provides the insights you need to plan treatments confidently, reassure patients, and keep referring clinicians informed. With hundreds of thousands datapoints, OsstellConnect strengthens your treatment decisions. Available for free with Osstell Beacon – join the community today!

    • Video presentation

      For stable implants

      Video presentation on the Video Channel.

      Features of the Osstell Beacon

      Osstell Beacon

      • Monitoring of osseointegration and evaluation of implant stability
      • Unique technology based on more than 1500 scientific articles
      • Optimum user-friendliness and intuitive ISQ measurements
      • Results that are easy to interpret using a colour scheme
      • Analysis of implant data using OsstellConnect and valuable feedback on the efficiency of the implant treatment
      • Highly suited to a digital working environment

      What scientific advisers think of Osstell

      • “ISQ is GPS for tooth implants”

        Dr Marcus Dagnelid,
        Certified Prosthetist, DDS

      • “Osstell has become my personal guide in determining the appropriate time to load patients’ implants, and I now use it for every implant case.”

        Prof. Peter Moy,
        Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

      • “In our day-to-day work, we never measure the insertion torque to check implant stability – we prefer to use Osstell. For non-splinted crowns, the second ISQ value needs to be ≥ 70 so that we can begin with functional loading for prosthetic rehabilitation. For most patients, this means a healing period of four to eight weeks for planned early loading.”

        Prof. Daniel Buser,
        Professor and Chairman, Department for Oral Surgery and Stomatology,
        University of Bern.

      Scientific articles that prove the Osstell concept

      Scientific references

      More than 1500 articles proving Osstell’s patented concept have been published.

      You can find a scientific database on the Osstell website: Regularly updated scientific database - Osstell®

      Use the Osstell guide to find the SmartPeg that fits your implant.
      Using the wrong SmartPeg for the implant can, and often does, lead to a false reading.

      Osstell Beacon

      Included with delivery of the Osstell Beacon measuring device:
      > USB dongle for wireless communication
      > 1 Osstell TestPeg
      > 1 SmartPeg mount
      > Instruction manual

      Dimensions: 210 x 35 x 25 mm
      Weight: 0.07 kg

      Osstell Beacon
      REF 08022260


      > Disposable product
      > Delivered in sterile individual packets of 5 items each

      Weight: 0.3 g

      REF 07982690

      Download Area

      Videos & Tutorials

      For a seamless and interactive online experience of our multimedia content (e.g. videos, maps), please accept the storage of the necessary cookies (YouTube, MovingImage - detailed information on these cookies can be found in the imprint/data protection) for marketing purposes.
