Perfectly maintained instruments with Lisa 500
Equipped with made-to-measure type B sterilization cycles and an integrated and automatic traceability system the W&H sterilizer Lisa 500 supports the highest standards of hygiene in modern dental practices. In the following interview Dr. Gianluigi Bittante, a dental specialist from Milan, is talking about his experiences and the advantages of the Lisa 500:
“Since we started using the Lisa 500 sterilizer, we could reduce the instrument processing time significantly. The type-B cycles reduce the cycle time according to the number of instruments to be sterilized. With the Lisa 500 we could reduce our average cycle times by 15 minutes per cycle, which means big time savings and cost-effectiveness for our practice. Compared to our former sterilization solution the new W&H device is extremely silent in operation, furthermore the drying-results of the instruments are excellent.
The Lisa sterilizer has an integrated and automatic traceability system with user identification and load release option. This traceability system gives us the security of a fully documented sterilization process. If problems occur during the sterilization process, the printer does not print the labels. Another option which we use in our practice is the user authentication traceability, which makes it possible to identify both the user who starts the sterilization cycle and the user who releases the load via username and password. Currently we have eight users of the Lisa 500.
Another benefit for us is the use of the barcode scanner. With this device we could improve our time management. Instead of typing the codes of the cycle reports on each of the patient file everything is done by the barcode reader. This is not only saving time but also avoiding any human errors.”
Dr. Gianluigi Bittante
