A contra-angle handpiece becomes a premium brand
Synea celebrates its 20th birthday!
Dr Dominik Brunnhuber likes to compare product purchasing to going to the dentist: the main factors are quality and a sound result. However, additional parameters including a comfort factor, good service, sympathy and excellent interpersonal awareness are key to building a long-term relationship. All this rings true for the dental practice in Lower Bavaria with W&H in mind, as the Synea contra-angle handpiece has been an indispensable piece of equipment for decades. An interview on values, sustainability and consistency. In Simbach am Inn, at W&H as the Synea celebrates its birthday.

© Dr. Dominik Brunnhuber
Dr Brunnhuber, please gives us a brief presentation of your dental practice.
Dr. Brunnhuber: Our family dental practice was founded in 1956 and is now run by the second and third generation. Our professional goal is to operate our dentistry at the highest level with cutting-edge quality. Scientifically proven, modern treatment approaches form the basis of our treatment. One-stop dental treatment ensures that the restored denture not only look flawless, but also works perfectly.
How long have you been using Synea and which properties do you particularly appreciate about the W&H straight and contra-angle handpieces?
Dr. Brunnhuber: I joined my father and grandfather at their dental practice in 2016. Using the Synea contra-angle handpiece was comfortable and easy from day one. Switching from the contra-angle handpieces used during my training to the W&H ones was a significant upgrade. The quiet and reliable operation allows you to focus and concentrate while you work, without having to pay needless attention to balance and grip. My father has been using W&H transmission instruments for decades, and I am yet to hear him complain about Synea.
Can you still remember the first product that was purchased and the process at that time? What do you take into consideration when choosing which product to purchase?
Dr. Brunnhuber: One of the key considerations when it came to purchasing products at the time was the price. Now it is largely the high quality that convinces us to stay with W&H.
Synea is celebrating its 20th birthday this year. How satisfied are you with the product?
Dr. Brunnhuber: The W&H Synea contra-angle handpiece is excellently balanced owing to its optimised shape and enables comfortable and joint-gentle operation. The faceted surface provides amazing grip and it is noticeably inconspicuous during use. The contra-angle handpiece feels solid and stable, and features outstandingly quiet operation at every speed range. It does not tend to overheat nor become sluggish, even when used for longer periods. The water cooling is precisely positioned and sufficiently dimensioned. With good repair and maintenance care, it has an impressive longevity.

From a head diameter of only 9 mm and a total head height of 17.2 mm with mounted 16 mm bur, patients with a restricted mouth opening as well as children and the elderly will see the biggest benefits (a). Strong illumination with natural colour rendering and optimal LED positioning (b).
How would you rate the price-performance ratio?
Dr. Brunnhuber: I think it is very fair.
How important do you consider the design parameter to be in addition to performance and function?
Dr. Brunnhuber: The aesthetic design is fairly irrelevant to us. Of course, we enjoy working with materials and devices that look good in addition to top functionality. When it comes to Synea, however, we have noticed that it is the interesting and attractive design of the surface and the sleek shape which make up the functionality. The design makes for excellent grip comfort.
Your practice was founded in 1956 and is now run by second and third generation. Consistency, continuity and family are values also embodied by W&H. To what extent do such soft skills influence your purchasing decisions?
Dr. Brunnhuber: Product quality is our top priority. When the company manufacturing the product shares your values, you naturally feel a lot more comfortable when purchasing from them. I think it is like going to the dentist. Quality is key! However, if in addition to outstanding quality, you also receive high-quality care and friendliness during your appointment and find your dentist to be likeable, then visiting the dentist is a much more pleasant experience.
Can you think of any special patient experience with Synea that has stayed with you?
Dr. Brunnhuber: The best moment in a dentist life is when patients express gratitude for a job well done, whereby the equipment always plays an important role.
We will consistently continue to develop the Synea range. Do you have any wishes for future products?
Dr. Brunnhuber: Any changes should not have a negative impact on the quality or user-friendliness. The product is very well-developed and sets benchmarks in its current state. We are very satisfied with the Synea range!

Even the very first generation of Synea in 1998 surprised users with its elegance and slim monobloc design.

Synea-Vision: The equipment line for the highest demands. Tailor-made turbine handpieces for the utmost precision, elegance and performance.
Synea-Fusion: The efficient and cost-effective basic solution with guaranteed Synea quality.
Thank you for these insights.
Source: Oemus Media AG: Dentalzeitung 5/2019