Building a ‘Bridge to the future’
… was the topic of this year’s EAO congress. On behalf of the European Association for Osseointegration the EAO’s 28th scientific meeting took place from 26th to 28th of September 2019 in Lisbon (Portugal). The congress attracted more than 3,500 attendees from all around the world. The global event provided a valuable opportunity for networking, sharing research and showcasing new technology.

Among the exhibitors, W&H was amazing the dental community with its forward-thinking connected ioDent® solutions and concepts for treatment workflows such as NIWOP. Together with W&H Group member and technology partner Osstell AB, the latest developments for optimized treatment planning were shown. At the Osstell Scientific Symposium on 26th of September, organisers and speakers set a new visitor record with approx. 400 participants!
Inspire the future of implant dentistry – with the ioDent® system
The focus of W&H's presence was on connected products. With the new ioDent® system (Internet of Dentistry), W&H device data is efficiently and securely transferred to a cloud platform, where it is automatically available to the dentist. In the dental field, W&H is one of the first providers of this pioneering system.
A special highlight was the demonstration of the Implantmed Plus with its ioDent® system. It supports users in the planning and documentation of implantations. Treatments can be easily planned via PC or mobile device in the ioDent® online platform and transferred to the respective W&H device. During the product presentation, particular attention was paid to the automated documentation processes, which bring more security to the practice. In addition, ioDent® supports device management and provides information on services. Resources can be used efficiently and with foresight.
Alongside insights into the smart ioDent® solution package, the integration of accessories like the W&H the Osstell BeaconTM – an innovative and highly intuitive tool for the measurement of implant stability – was shown by the exhibition team. Controlling multiple devices, such as Implantmed and Piezomed via wireless foot control, showed another benefit of the W&H solution. The visitors were able to convince themselves of the product advantages by means of live demos.
Increased implant success with NIWOP
Another trend was marked at the EAO by the NIWOP concept. W&H presented a systematic and evidence-based workflow for a sound and healthy tissue situation around the implant. In the Prophy/Paro area at the W&H booth, W&H experts provided insights into professional periimplantitis therapy for the support of long-term implant success.
Visitor record at Osstell Scientific Symposium!
The 11th Annual Scientific Symposium of Osstell achieved a record of visitors, which shows the interest in new solutions for efficient treatment planning. Renowned speakers like Prof. Neil Meredith (AUS) co-inventor of Resonance Frequency Analysis and Osstell, Dr Jeff Ganeles (USA), Dr Barry Levin (USA), and Dr Marcus Dagnelid (Sweden, Moderator) offered first-hand information on the topic “Evidence-based guidance for implant loading”. In addition to lectures on advanced surgical techniques, the audience was introduced to specific cases by means of live polls.

Prof. Neil Meredith lectured about the Frequency Analysis (RFA) to determine the clinical status of a dental implant.
