The A-Team from Southeast Europe at W&H

Honesty is the best policy is not only a saying in German-speaking countries, but can also have a significant impact on career paths. This is also the case with Roland Wichmann, because the W&H Area Manager for Southeastern Europe, who lives in Bavaria, came to this career path via a roundabout way. As a child, he actually planned to become a sports presenter. Roland explains what came of it and what it has to do with honesty in his W&H Insights.

  • 'The sales team always has to work independently and with a lot of trust. And that works really well for us.'
    Roland Wichmann
    W&H Area Manager, South East Europe

    Already at a young age, the sports enthusiast wanted to become a presenter in this field. But why didn’t he? The Swabian accent was to blame, and Roland was grateful: "I applied to several broadcasters and was even invited to an interview by a very well-known sports presenter in Germany. Funnily enough, he said it wasn't for me because my Swabian accent was too strong. He was honest!" – laughs Roland and continues: "At first I was proud that I was even invited. In retrospect, I thought it was cool that he was so honest with me. That way I didn't get a black eye." This perspective and a certain basic attitude of taking the positive and profitable from situations is certainly also a success factor in his current professional activity for W&H.

    After graduating, Roland began training as a tourism management assistant and later went on to study in this field. During his studies, he also had his first contact with W&H: "My uncle was self-employed at the time and consulted W&H, so I was connected to W&H from a very early age because I supported him."

    The aim of not blaming oneself afterwards and thus not mourning a missed opportunity is important for Roland in order to progress personally and professionally. So it was clear to him, too, after the ‘Doc’ from W&H called him to accept the job offer as area manager. I actually wanted to return to the tourism industry, but then Dr Rippel called and offered me a job and obviously I did not want to miss the chance to work for such an excellent company. One thing led to another. Having worked for his uncle, he was already familiar with the region and has been on board ever since. Since 2007, to be precise. And who is this ‘Doc’? That is the nickname for Doctor Rippel, who, together with Mr Malata Senior and Mr Malata Junior, has made W&H what it is today over the years.

    "In the end, I had 18 countries and I realised that was too many. Of course, it works, but to be really successful there, I hired three territory managers over time. Now there are practically four of us in our A-Team – the A-Team Southeast Europe," says Roland with a smile, describing the top staffing of his various countries with colleagues who can be relied on and, above all, know the different regions and their markets. Roland also ‘loves it when a plan works’ and this is all the more successful with a strong team: "With Damjan, Mihai & Michal, it's really great fun. The sales team always has to work independently with a lot of trust. And that works really well for us.

    As in the cult series, Roland and his team regularly face challenges. On the one hand, competition and country-specific needs but also the fact that products in medical technology are becoming increasingly complex. This also includes ever more extensive training for our sales team, partners and customers. And how can these changes and challenges be dealt with in the best possible way? The Area Manager has the answer: "If the whole package is complete, satisfaction with one's colleagues, the work area, the countries, then everything else in the company is in the perfect flow. Fortunately, we are always bringing innovations to the market, so the matter remains exciting. The team is a tremendous support and Mr Malata, for example, is one of the reasons for staying. Simply because this mutual respect and loyalty is not just said, but lived." That's the definition of our complete W&H package.

    Quick shots:

    Your job in three words:
    Travelling, teamwork, diversity

    Why medical technology:
    Because you could earn more than in tourism :D

    Recommendation to new colleagues:
    Take this slogan 'People have Priority' seriously and live it – and: do it, instead of just talk about it.

    Roland Wichmann
    Area Manager
    South East Europe