International success with Austrian dental technology
Headquartered in Bürmoos, Austria, the international W&H Group is a global leader in the development and manufacture of medical technology products. Passion and innovation are the motor of the company. High-quality product and service solutions, a modern corporate structure, a strong focus on research and development as well as social responsibility make W&H a locally and globally successful family business.

W&H has 1300 employees throughout the world, and exports its products to more than 130 countries.
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Malata
W&H Managing Director

More than 1,300 employees contribute to the production of hardware and software products for use in the dental, medical and veterinary industries. The precision instruments and high-end solutions are developed and produced at sites in Austria, Italy and Sweden. With worldwide subsidiaries and a comprehensive network of distribution partners, W&H is represented in 130 countries. The company’s focus is on export. Key sales markets include the USA, Europe and Asia.
- Ignaz-Glaser-Straße 53, Postfach 1
- 5111 Bürmoos
- Austria
- t: +43 6274 6236-0
- f: +43 6274 6236-55
- Werner-Bader-Straße 1
- 5111 Bürmoos
- Austria
- Via Bolgara, 2
- 24060 Brusaporto (BG)
- Italy
- t: +39 035 66 63 000
- f: +39 035 50 96 988