Knowledge from experience
W&H collaborates with Digital Opinion Leaders
Hands-on courses, e-learning, technical reports, and studies: the medical technology company W&H offers users and practitioners a comprehensive range of further education. In order to optimally complement the existing portfolio, the company relies on digital opinion leaders. The aim is to network medical professionals, thus promoting the mutual exchange of knowledge.

"By collaborating with renowned opinion leaders via digital platforms, we can professionally deepen our customer loyalty, intensify the exchange of information, and enable even faster, interactive mutual knowledge transfer," explains Irina Wittmann, Vice President Sales, Service, and Marketing at W&H.
Digital opinion leaders use digital media such as social media to share their expertise and experiences on treatment methods with their followers. In short, they are knowledge multipliers. As one of the first companies in the medical industry, W&H is taking the opportunity to take a further step towards authentic and personal communication.
Oral surgery meets social media
"Instead of advertising, our goal is to convince with our products in daily use," says Anita Thallinger, Marketing Director at W&H. To achieve this, the company is cooperating with Dr Adriana Locher, oral surgeon and expert in the fields of implantology and periodontology. The products are intensively tested and used by the digital opinion leader for their practical suitability. As the first digital opinion leader for W&H, Adriana Locher focuses on the added value for medical professionals – simply explained and practically demonstrated. In this way, students gain insights into everyday practice and professionals can take advantage of the exchange of experiences. The keyword here is infotainment. In other words: a successful mixture of information, further education, and entertainment.
Expertise, charisma, and patient orientation
In addition to Adriana Locher's professional expertise and her affinity for social media, her patient-focused attitude is of particular importance for W&H. "People have priority – for us, the treatment of the patient is paramount. Thus, we also pay attention to this with our digital opinion leaders. It has to fit professionally and personally," emphasises Anita Thallinger. Dr Adriana Locher has been using W&H products for many years and has been able to acquire comprehensive knowledge during this time. She now shares this know-how with her target audience on Instagram @dradrianalocher.