Perguntas frequentes sobre os produtos da W&H e informações úteis sobre higiene e cuidados.

Contra-ângulos e Peças retas

Equipamentos Cirúrgicos



Peças de mão para serra


Osstell® - Estabilidade do implante

  • Osstell Beacon (5)
    • What’s the difference between torque and ISQ?
      Torque is a one time, static measurement at the time of placement of the implant and cannot be repeated later on in a non-invasive way. Osstell ISQ measures the lateral stability of the implant and the measurements can be repeated in a non-invasive, dynamic way to monitor the development of osseointegration.
    • How does the measurement of the ISQ work?
      > To measure the ISQ of an implant, you first screw a so called SmartPeg into the placed implant. The SmartPeg, with its magnet on top, works like a small tuning fork. The magnet on the SmartPeg is ‘hit’ with magnetic pulses, from the probe, which makes the SmartPeg vibrate. Due to the stiffness in the interface between the implant surface and the bone the SmartPeg will vibrate accordingly. The more dense the bone is the higher stability and the higher ISQ value.
      isq scale
    • O que significa ISQ?
      A abreviatura ISQ significa Quociente de Estabilidade do Implante (do inglês, Implant Stability Quotient). O método é baseado em análise de frequência de ressonância (RFA) para determinar se um implante está ou não suficientemente estável. O resultado é apresentado como um valor ISQ de 1 a 100. Através do valor ISQ o cirurgião pode monitorar a osseointegração. Quanto maior o ISQ, mais estável é o implante.
    • Onde posso comprar SmartPegs?
      Por favor, consulte a seção "Onde comprar" em nossa página, e entre em contato com um revendedor autorizado W&H.

      A venda de SmartPegs é definida de acordo com o país. Cada SmartPeg é calibrado e personalizado para se adequar a cada sistema e tipo de implante. Use nosso guia para encontrar o SmartPeg adequado ao seu implante.
    • O método ISQ é cientificamente comprovado?
      A tecnologia ISQ da W&H Osstell é comprovada por mais de 1400 estudos científicos. A base de dados é atualizada regularmente, onde são compiladas todas as pesquisas científicas relacionadas à tecnologia Osstell ISQ.

      Você poderá consultar todos os estudos científicos na página www.osstell.com.


  • Pontas para Piezomed (5)
    • Can Piezomed instruments also be used on third-party devices?
      a. Different thread
      b. Third-party device cannot find the correct resonance point – instrument fails to oscillate
    • Can third-party instruments be used on the Piezomed?
      a. Different thread
      b. The Piezomed instrument detection cannot detect third-party instruments
    • How long do the instruments last and when should they be replaced?
      The useful service life of the instruments is determined by the length of time they are used reprocessing and sterilization cycles have only marginal influence.
      a. Instruments need to be replaced
      - If there is a loss of power while working
      - Where there is visible damage on the working part or the shank of the instrument.
      b. Saws must be replaced if
      - Teeth are broken off
      - Teeth are worn
      c. Diamond-coated instruments must be replaced
      - As soon as the diamond coating is worn
    • How are the instruments prepared for cleaning?
      a. Preparation in the ultrasonic bath:
      - Place the instruments in the instrument tray and lower into the ultrasonic bath.
      - Use cleaning agents and disinfectants suitable for hand instruments (probes, mirrors, forceps, etc.).
      DO NOT USE a bur bath, as this is very aggressive.
      - After cleaning in the ultrasonic bath, rinse adequately with water to remove any remnants of the cleaning agent and disinfectant from the coolant channels.
      - Blow dry with compressed air after rinsing
      - Replace dried instruments in the instrument tray and package for sterilization

      b. Mechanical preparation in the cleaning unit and disinfector
      - Use the cleaning adapter for cleaning units and disinfectors (see Instructions for Use – Accessories)
      - After preparation in the cleaning unit and disinfector, check that the coolant channels are dry and, if necessary, dry again with compressed air.
    • Is it necessary for the torque driver to engage audibly when tightening the instrument?
      Yes, it must engage audibly once, as otherwise the required torque is not achieved.

Micromotor Elétrico

Dispositivos de lubrificação e limpeza

  • Assistina One (8)
    • What instrument adaptors are available for the Assistina One?
      All adaptors that are suitable for the Assistina 3x2/3x3 can also be used in the Assistina One. There is only one exception: the RM/ISO adaptor for the Assistina 3x2/3x3 is not compatible with the Assistina One. Quick Connect adaptors ISO and RM can be used for the Assistina One instead. An overview of all adaptors is available in the product website.
    • How does the user know when the ONE Care Set needs to be replaced?
      The ONE Care Set must be replaced when the cartridges are empty. The levels can be checked thanks to the device's fill level indicators, located on the right and left sides.
    • How do you replace the ONE Care Set?
      The two cartridges and the filter can be changed easily without any tools. The fluid is supplied via tapping needles in the bottom of the cartridge spaces that penetrate the cartridge membrane, thereby drawing the fluid out of the cartridge. The two cartridges have different shapes to ensure that the two fluid types cannot be mixed up. In addition, it is only possible to install the HEPA filter incorrectly by using force, which is not necessary.
    • What does HEPA mean, and what is filtered out of the air?
      HEPA is short for 'High Efficiency Particular Air', and the filter is classified as HEPA class E11. This means that the filter retains all particles larger than 1 µm, which includes, among other things, a wide range of bacteria and viruses, suspended particles such as dust and respirable aerosols.
    • Why does the Assistina One have a HEPA filter?
      During the maintenance process in the Assistina One, the rotating parts are lubricated with oil, and the spray channels rinsed with cleaning solution. These liquids are introduced to the handpieces using compressed air, which produces aerosols that may contain potentially contaminated body fluids (e.g. blood and saliva). In order to ensure that the apparatus poses no risk to the user, the patient or third parties, the legislation stipulates that aerosols must be prevented from leaking out of the apparatus. We make sure of this by using active suction and the HEPA filter. This HEPA filter must of course be changed regularly, which is why the lifespan of the filter is matched exactly to the capacity of the two cartridges. The HEPA filter therefore reaches the end of its service life once one set of cartridges has been used.
    • How often does the ONE Care Set needs to be replaced?
      The consumption volumes for each instrument are 0.07 ml of oil and 0.07 ml of cleaning solution. This gives a maximum capacity of 2857 cycles. The value is around 2800 to 2850 cycles, as initial filling is also required and the fill quantity of the cartridges is subject to certain tolerances that are regulated by the applicable standards.
    • Why there is no rotational lubrication option in the Assistina One?
      The oil is atomized in the Assistina One before it enters the instrument. This ensures full coverage of the gear parts, eliminating the need for technically complex and time-consuming rotational lubrication. However, there is no negative impact on the maintenance quality.
    • What is the difference between oil nebulization and rotational lubrication?
      Final result is the same, but in a shorter time. In the nebulization system, oil is nebulized in the adaptor before it is blown into the handpiece. An oil mist coats all gear parts.

Dispositivos sem fio

Contra-ângulos e peças retas


  • Seal2 (1)
    • Devo embalar/selar meus instrumentos? Por quanto tempo posso armazená-los após a esterilização?
      Para garantir que seus instrumentos continuem armazenados em um ambiente esterilizado, após uma esterilização adequada até o momento do uso, a W&H recomenda acondicioná-los por meio de sistemas de vedação adequados antes da esterilização. O período de armazenamento recomendado pode ser encontrado nas orientações do fabricante do material de embalagem. Para mais informações, por favor, entre em contato com o seu revendedor autorizado.

Processamento de água

  • Multidem (2)
    • Qual qualidade de água devo usar no meu esterilizador?
      A qualidade da água para uso em esterilizadores / autoclaves é especificada internacionalmente por normas e diretrizes. O motivo é que a água de má qualidade pode causar sérios danos ao seu esterilizador ou comprometer todo o processo de esterilização. Consequentemente, apenas água com condutividade inferior a 10 µS/cm (para a América do Norte) e 15 µS/cm (para todos os demais países) deve ser usada em seu esterilizador / autoclave W&H. Os dispositivos Multidem e Osmo foram especialmente projetados para o tratamento adequado da água (consulte a seção "Qualidade da água" nas Instruções de uso).
    • O cartucho Multidem C27 vazio pode ser devolvido ou deve ser descartado no lixo doméstico?
      Os produtos devem ser descartados de acordo com os regulamentos locais, regionais e nacionais em vigor. Consulte as diretrizes para descarte (Seção 11) contidas na Ficha de Informações de Segurança.
  • Osmo (1)
    • Qual qualidade de água devo usar no meu esterilizador?
      A qualidade da água para uso em esterilizadores / autoclaves é especificada internacionalmente por normas e diretrizes. O motivo é que a água de má qualidade pode causar sérios danos ao seu esterilizador ou comprometer todo o processo de esterilização. Consequentemente, apenas água com condutividade inferior a 10 µS/cm (para a América do Norte) e 15 µS/cm (para todos os demais países) deve ser usada em seu esterilizador / autoclave W&H. Os dispositivos Multidem e Osmo foram especialmente projetados para o tratamento adequado da água (consulte a seção "Qualidade da água" nas Instruções de uso).

Contra-ângulos e Peças retas


  • Lina (24)
    • Which is the maximum noise level of Lina?
      The max. noise level of Lina is 65.5 dB.
    • Do I need to document the results of all periodic tests?
      W&H recommends recording all periodic tests, repairs, and modifications on the sterilizer in a logbook including date and signature of the person who carried out the test or other activity. Compulsorily of recording is regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • The sterilizer is connected to an automated water supply system, there is no clean water in the tank and the automatic water filling does not fill the water.
      Water filling system not connected.
      Connect the water filling system to the sterilizer. (see Instructions for Use).

      When the water filling system attempted to fill the tank, water was temporarily unavailable.
      Since the water tank filling is attempted only once in-between cycle execution, this event inhibits water feeding. Switch the sterilizer OFF and then ON again.
      Check the external water supply system.
      Check for water leaks from the sterilizer.

      Faulty MIN water level sensor in the clean water tank.
      Contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • The sterilizer enters into “Standby mode” immediately after being switched on.
      The unit was turned off while in standby mode.
      Press the standby mode button to exit.
    • When starting a cycle, the chamber door locks but re-opens immediately. The “Open the door” message appears.
      Door seal not properly placed.
      Ensure that the door seal is correctly inserted around the whole circumference.

      Door jammed by external objects or by the load itself.
      Remove any objects interfering with the chamber door. Check for interference between the door and the chamber furniture and/or the load.
    • Stains, spots, or colour change on instruments.
      Instruments rinsed with tap water and not dried before sterilization.
      Ensure that instruments are rinsed with distilled or demineralized water and completely dry before they are placed in the sterilizer.

      Use of water of poor quality or water containing chemical substances.
      Drain both water tanks. Use good quality water (see chapter “Water quality” in the Instructions for Use).

      Organic or chemical residues on the instruments
      Clean, rinse, and dry instruments before placing them in the sterilizer (see chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use.

      Dirt in chamber, trays, tray rack.
      Clean the chamber and wash the chamber furniture.

      Contact between instruments of different materials.
      Ensure that instruments of different materials do not touch each other (aluminium, carbon or stainless steel, etc.); place them on different trays or cassettes or pouch them (see chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use).

      Scale deposits on the chamber.
      Clean the chamber and use good quality water (see chapter “Water quality” in the Instructions for Use).
    • No cycles are stored in the cycle history menu.
      An electronic board was replaced when serviced.
      The memory of the old board can not be restored. Consult the cycle history in the USB pen drive.
    • Warning about programmed maintenance.
      The maintenance program needs to be carried out.
      Contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • Warning about consumable replacement.
      A consumable needs to be replaced.
      Order the requested consumable (door seal and HEPA/bacteriological filter) and replace it. See the chapter “Maintenance” in the Instructions for Use.
    • Does my sterilizer need any periodic qualification/validation?
      Validation generally comprises a range of tests defined in internationally recognised standards. These tests begin for every device with the factory tests at W&H. In addition, corresponding documentation is included with your device. Prior to commissioning the device at your premises, the technician performs further checks to ensure the device functions correctly. Then, depending on the national/regional laws and directives, the device must be subjected to a so-called renewed performance qualification at regular intervals. For further information, please contact your dealer.
    • How long should I archive the documentation of regular tests?
      Keep the results according to your country/regional specific laws and guidelines. Those records can be of assistance in case of service as well.
    • What is validation?
      Validation is a testing procedure carried out by an official authority, proving the effectiveness of your sterilizer. Compulsories and frequency of validation are regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • At the end of the cycle, there is residual water on load.
      Sterilizer not properly levelled.
      Place the sterilizator on a flat, level surface.

      Overloaded chamber.
      Comply with the maximum load weight limits for each type of load. Always use the chamber rack for trays and cassettes.

      Chamber filter clogged.
      Remove and clean the chamber filters.

      Chamber filter cap mispositioned.
      Mount the chamber filter cap properly (see chapter “Monthly or 50-cycle maintenance - Cleaning the chamber filter” in the Instructions for Use).

      Load incorrectly placed.
      Follow the recommendations as listed in chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use.
    • Water is leaking at the front of the sterilizer.
      Leaks through the chamber door seal.
      Clean or replace the door seal. Clean the door surface facing the chamber.

      Internal leak.
      Contact an authorized W&H service partner.
    • The sterilizer remains switched OFF.
      The main switch or network circuit breaker is OFF.
      Activate the main switch or network circuit breaker (ON).

      No voltage at the socket.
      Check the building electrical supply.

      The power cord is not connected properly.
      Check and connect the power cord properly.
    • The sterilization (PROCESS) phase of a sterilization cycle was longer than expected.
      The chamber temperature dropped below the minimum threshold and the software performed a successful recovery.
      Wait for cycle completion. If the problem occurs frequently, contact an authorizsd W&H service partner.
    • The cycle report printer does not work.
      Printer not properly connected or not powered.
      Check the data and power connection to the printer.
    • How do I clean the water tanks and what products should I use?
      Water tank cleaning instructions are provided in the Instructions for Use, chapter “Maintenance”. In addition, a video description is available: • in the sterilizer, in the maintenance section of the menu; • in the Consumables & Accessories and Video Tutorial section of this website.
    • How do I change consumable components on my sterilizer?
      Consumable replacement instructions are provided in the Instructions for Use, chapter “Maintenance”. In addition, a video description is available: • in the sterilizer, in the maintenance section of the menu; • in the Consumables & Accessories and Video Tutorial section of this website.
    • Who should I contact to validate and maintain my sterilizer?
      Validation shall be carried out by an official authority. Maintenance tasks shall be carried out by a qualified and authorised technician.
    • Do I need to carry out periodic testing on my W&H Sterilizer?
      All W&H sterilizers features test cycles (B&D/Helix test, Vacuum test). Compulsory and frequency of testing are regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • Warning about saving to the USB (HTML and SCL files)
      The USB drive is disconnected or full.
      Check presence and condition of the USB drive. If the problem persists, contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • Qual qualidade de água devo usar no meu esterilizador?
      A qualidade da água para uso em esterilizadores / autoclaves é especificada internacionalmente por normas e diretrizes. O motivo é que a água de má qualidade pode causar sérios danos ao seu esterilizador ou comprometer todo o processo de esterilização. Consequentemente, apenas água com condutividade inferior a 10 µS/cm (para a América do Norte) e 15 µS/cm (para todos os demais países) deve ser usada em seu esterilizador / autoclave W&H. Os dispositivos Multidem e Osmo foram especialmente projetados para o tratamento adequado da água (consulte a seção "Qualidade da água" nas Instruções de uso).
    • Devo embalar/selar meus instrumentos? Por quanto tempo posso armazená-los após a esterilização?
      Para garantir que seus instrumentos continuem armazenados em um ambiente esterilizado, após uma esterilização adequada até o momento do uso, a W&H recomenda acondicioná-los por meio de sistemas de vedação adequados antes da esterilização. O período de armazenamento recomendado pode ser encontrado nas orientações do fabricante do material de embalagem. Para mais informações, por favor, entre em contato com o seu revendedor autorizado.
  • Lyla (24)
    • Which is the maximum noise level of Lyla?
      The max. noise level of Lyla is 65.5 dB.
    • Do I need to document the results of all periodic tests?
      W&H recommends recording all periodic tests, repairs, and modifications on the sterilizer in a logbook including date and signature of the person who carried out the test or other activity. Compulsorily of recording is regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • The sterilizer is connected to an automated water supply system, there is no clean water in the tank and the automatic water filling does not fill the water.
      Water filling system not connected.
      Connect the water filling system to the sterilizer. (see Instructions for Use).

      When the water filling system attempted to fill the tank, water was temporarily unavailable.
      Since the water tank filling is attempted only once in-between cycle execution, this event inhibits water feeding. Switch the sterilizer OFF and then ON again.
      Check the external water supply system.
      Check for water leaks from the sterilizer.

      Faulty MIN water level sensor in the clean water tank.
      Contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • The sterilizer enters into “Standby mode” immediately after being switched on.
      The unit was turned off while in standby mode.
      Press the standby mode button to exit.
    • When starting a cycle, the chamber door locks but re-opens immediately. The “Open the door” message appears.
      Door seal not properly placed.
      Ensure that the door seal is correctly inserted around the whole circumference.

      Door jammed by external objects or by the load itself.
      Remove any objects interfering with the chamber door. Check for interference between the door and the chamber furniture and/or the load.
    • Stains, spots, or colour change on instruments.
      Instruments rinsed with tap water and not dried before sterilization.
      Ensure that instruments are rinsed with distilled or demineralized water and completely dry before they are placed in the sterilizer.

      Use of water of poor quality or water containing chemical substances.
      Drain both water tanks. Use good quality water (see chapter “Water quality” in the Instructions for Use).

      Organic or chemical residues on the instruments
      Clean, rinse, and dry instruments before placing them in the sterilizer (see chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use.

      Dirt in chamber, trays, tray rack.
      Clean the chamber and wash the chamber furniture.

      Contact between instruments of different materials.
      Ensure that instruments of different materials do not touch each other (aluminium, carbon or stainless steel, etc.); place them on different trays or cassettes or pouch them (see chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use).

      Scale deposits on the chamber.
      Clean the chamber and use good quality water (see chapter “Water quality” in the Instructions for Use).
    • No cycles are stored in the cycle history menu.
      An electronic board was replaced when serviced.
      The memory of the old board can not be restored. Consult the cycle history in the USB pen drive.
    • Warning about programmed maintenance.
      The maintenance program needs to be carried out.
      Contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • Warning about consumable replacement.
      A consumable needs to be replaced.
      Order the requested consumable (door seal and HEPA/bacteriological filter) and replace it. See the chapter “Maintenance” in the Instructions for Use.
    • Does my sterilizer need any periodic qualification/validation?
      Validation generally comprises a range of tests defined in internationally recognised standards. These tests begin for every device with the factory tests at W&H. In addition, corresponding documentation is included with your device. Prior to commissioning the device at your premises, the technician performs further checks to ensure the device functions correctly. Then, depending on the national/regional laws and directives, the device must be subjected to a so-called renewed performance qualification at regular intervals. For further information, please contact your dealer.
    • How long should I archive the documentation of regular tests?
      Keep the results according to your country/regional specific laws and guidelines. Those records can be of assistance in case of service as well.
    • What is validation?
      Validation is a testing procedure carried out by an official authority, proving the effectiveness of your sterilizer. Compulsories and frequency of validation are regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • At the end of the cycle, there is residual water on load.
      Sterilizer not properly levelled.
      Place the sterilizator on a flat, level surface.

      Overloaded chamber.
      Comply with the maximum load weight limits for each type of load. Always use the chamber rack for trays and cassettes.

      Chamber filter clogged.
      Remove and clean the chamber filters.

      Chamber filter cap mispositioned.
      Mount the chamber filter cap properly (see chapter “Monthly or 50-cycle maintenance - Cleaning the chamber filter” in the Instructions for Use).

      Load incorrectly placed.
      Follow the recommendations as listed in chapter “Load maintenance and preparation” in the Instructions for Use.
    • Water is leaking at the front of the sterilizer.
      Leaks through the chamber door seal.
      Clean or replace the door seal. Clean the door surface facing the chamber.

      Internal leak.
      Contact an authorized W&H service partner.
    • The sterilizer remains switched OFF.
      The main switch or network circuit breaker is OFF.
      Activate the main switch or network circuit breaker (ON).

      No voltage at the socket.
      Check the building electrical supply.

      The power cord is not connected properly.
      Check and connect the power cord properly.
    • The sterilization (PROCESS) phase of a sterilization cycle was longer than expected.
      The chamber temperature dropped below the minimum threshold and the software performed a successful recovery.
      Wait for cycle completion. If the problem occurs frequently, contact an authorizsd W&H service partner.
    • The cycle report printer does not work.
      Printer not properly connected or not powered.
      Check the data and power connection to the printer.
    • How do I clean the water tanks and what products should I use?
      Water tank cleaning instructions are provided in the Instructions for Use, chapter “Maintenance”. In addition, a video description is available: • in the sterilizer, in the maintenance section of the menu; • in the Consumables & Accessories and Video Tutorial section of this website.
    • How do I change consumable components on my sterilizer?
      Consumable replacement instructions are provided in the Instructions for Use, chapter “Maintenance”. In addition, a video description is available: • in the sterilizer, in the maintenance section of the menu; • in the Consumables & Accessories and Video Tutorial section of this website.
    • Who should I contact to validate and maintain my sterilizer?
      Validation shall be carried out by an official authority. Maintenance tasks shall be carried out by a qualified and authorised technician.
    • Do I need to carry out periodic testing on my W&H Sterilizer?
      All W&H sterilizers features test cycles (B&D/Helix test, Vacuum test). Compulsory and frequency of testing are regulated by local/national guidelines.
    • Warning about saving to the USB (HTML and SCL files)
      The USB drive is disconnected or full.
      Check presence and condition of the USB drive. If the problem persists, contact an authorised W&H service partner.
    • Qual qualidade de água devo usar no meu esterilizador?
      A qualidade da água para uso em esterilizadores / autoclaves é especificada internacionalmente por normas e diretrizes. O motivo é que a água de má qualidade pode causar sérios danos ao seu esterilizador ou comprometer todo o processo de esterilização. Consequentemente, apenas água com condutividade inferior a 10 µS/cm (para a América do Norte) e 15 µS/cm (para todos os demais países) deve ser usada em seu esterilizador / autoclave W&H. Os dispositivos Multidem e Osmo foram especialmente projetados para o tratamento adequado da água (consulte a seção "Qualidade da água" nas Instruções de uso).
    • Devo embalar/selar meus instrumentos? Por quanto tempo posso armazená-los após a esterilização?
      Para garantir que seus instrumentos continuem armazenados em um ambiente esterilizado, após uma esterilização adequada até o momento do uso, a W&H recomenda acondicioná-los por meio de sistemas de vedação adequados antes da esterilização. O período de armazenamento recomendado pode ser encontrado nas orientações do fabricante do material de embalagem. Para mais informações, por favor, entre em contato com o seu revendedor autorizado.

Ultrassom Piezo

Micromotor a Ar