
The 28-Year-Old Cigarette Smoker with Dental Erosions

28-year-old patient, smoker, with erosions. The bidirectional relationship between oral and general medical health is very well known. It is no longer sufficient – and arguably even old-fashioned – to consider intraoral conditions in isolation. In order to create a personalized, case-specific preventive and patient profile, it is essential to take a detailed medical history and perform diligent examination of the general medical and intraoral health, as well as considering the two in combination.

The Diabetic Patient with Pre-Existing Periodontitis

The close relationship between general medical health and intraoral health is well-known. It is no longer adequate to consider intraoral conditions in isolation. Accurate medical and intraoral history taking and examination of findings, as well as their joint consideration, are essential for maintaining intraoral health and patient quality of life and offering dentists a sense of assurance during therapeutic planning.

Innovation and problem-solving with W&H's Synea Power Edition

The concept of using rotary tools to cut hard materials, such as granite, is at least 6,000 years old. As early as 25,000 BCE, our ancestors were using hand-held lithic borers to cut through shells without breaking them. These tools were generally made of flint, and pressed against the object to be perforated and then rotated back and forth at low speed and relatively high torque. Powerful modern handpieces have elevated the principle of variable speed and high torque to enable precise cuts into much harder materials like zirconia.

Próximo evento

12/09 - 14/09 2024

